Terms and Conditions for the webpage www.blossomnutrition.nl and www.blossomnutrition.co.uk
All material, content and graphic elements placed on this website are
the property of Gosia Sojka - the owner of the website
www.blossomnutrition.nl and they are protected by copyright.
The owner of the website makes every effort, so that the information and
opinions expressed hereupon are believed to be accurate and helpful.
However they may only be construed as private opinion of the author and
they are provided for your information only and may not be construed as
any health advice. Instead, you should consult your doctor, therapist or
any other appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to
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The owner of the website bears no responsibility for the effects of the
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Terms and Conditions for nutritional therapy consultation
The practitioner
• A nutritional advice will be tailored to support medically diagnosed conditions and/or health concerns agreed and identified by the two parties.
• The nutritional practitioner is not permitted to diagnose or claim to treat medical conditions.
• The nutritional therapy is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.
• Any information about client is kept confidential and will not be revealed to any third party without the consent of the client or a clear legal reason.
• The degree of benefit obtainable from nutritional therapy may vary between clients with similar health problems and following a similar naturopathic treatment protocol.
• The practitioner may recommend food supplements and/or functional testing as part of your naturopathic treatment protocol and may receive a commission on these products or services.
The client
• The client is responsible for the implementation of the agreed nutritional plan.
• The client is responsible for contacting his/her GP or specialist about any health concerns he/she may have.
• The client is kindly asked to tell his/her GP of the nutrition protocol. The client is also kindly asked to advise any other complementary medicine practitioners he/she is consulting.
• It is important to tell the practitioner about any medical diagnosis and any prescribed medication, herbal medicine or food supplements or over the counter medication the client is taking as it may affect the nutritional program.
• If the client is unclear about any part of the plan then he/she should contact the practitioner for clarification.
• The nutritional protocol and supplement plan will have a time frame and it should not be continued without further recommendations outside of this unless it was agreed by the practitioner. This is to avoid any adverse reactions.
We understand the above and agree that our professional relationship will be based on the content of this document. We declare that all the information we share during this professional relationship is confidential and to the best of our knowledge, true and correct.